Sunday, November 24, 2024
CybersecurityMobile DevicesNews

A Fraudulent Password Manager and New Agency Gets First Director

LastPass Impersonator on Apple Store

by Artie Kaye

An app named “LassPass” was attempting to impersonate a password manager app called LastPass on the Apple store. LastPass brought this to the attention of their users and Apple. As of this writing, the link to the fraudulent app no longer functions, indicating that it has likely been taken down. If you use LastPass on an Apple device, double check that the proper application is installed. If you have installed the fake LassPass—which looks very similar but with spelling errors—uninstall it immediately, and change your master password on LastPass’s website directly. If you had the imposter app, it is highly recommended to change all the passwords which it managed as well, for your safety

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)

Director Named For New Agency

by Artie Kaye

The recently created United States Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (USAISI) has been given its first director. Elizabeth Kelly was assigned the role. Kelly has previously worked within the White House National Economics Council, with the Obama Administration, and with Capital One. The USAISI will be operating as part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), with Elham Tbassi serving as the Chief Technology Officer. The purpose of the organization is to assess and develop standards and safety guidelines regarding AI usage.

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)