Sunday, November 24, 2024

A New Malware Group Surfaces and Wyze Faces Backlash From Customers

Borat Malware

by Artie Kaye

Fans of the Borat movies may be surprised to discover that his name has been co-opted by a malware group. This remote access trojan, or RAT, is a suite of malware programs that includes ransomware, spyware, and functions to turn infected machines into DDoS vectors, among many other possible functions. Trojans are a type of file that hide malicious software. To help limit the chances of accidentally installing something like Borat, don’t install programs from attachments in email, or from untrusted sources. If you are concerned a file might be an issue, contact your tech support.

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)

Wyze Cam Security Flaw

by Artie Kaye

The Wyze Cam V1 was found to have a security vulnerability. This problem was brought to Wyze’s attention in March of 2019, and they never fully fixed the problem nor did they inform their customers about the problem. The flaw would not allow direct viewing through the camera but could grant access to past videos on internal memory, remotely control the camera, or even turn it off entirely. Since they offered no software patch, it would be highly recommended to replace these devices as soon as you can.

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)