Sunday, November 24, 2024
Operating SystemsSoftware

Patching and Microsoft Retirements

Patching Time (Not Pumpkins)

by Artie Kaye

Part of a secure computer, phone, or other electronic device is making sure it is up to date with security patches. This is your monthly reminder to double check and see if anything you use has been patched. On desktops, many programs have an option to check for updates under the Help dropdown, or under the About section of the Help dropdown. Keep yourself safe, update when you can, and if you need help with anything, contact your support team.

Some Windows End of Support

by Artie Kaye

Windows Server 2012 and Windows 11 21H2 have reached their official end of support points. This means no more updates will be available, leaving users who are running these systems at risk if any flaws are discovered. Microsoft offers an extended security update until 2026 for a fee for Server 2012, but recommends using their server 2022 software. If using Windows 11, the OS will force an update before the end of October.

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)

VBScript Being Retired

by Artie Kaye

Microsoft has been diminishing the usage of Visual Basic Script in their programs over the past few years. As the company plugs security holes in their software, attackers try to find other vectors to infiltrate systems. VBScript has been one such vector used for malware, as it could circumvent some security measures. Windows will disable VBScript in an upcoming patch, users will have to manually reactivate it if they wish to use it. The date of the depreciation is not known as of writing.

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)