Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Printing Exploits and Microsoft Woes

PaperCut Security Flaws

by Artie Kaye

The print managing software was discovered to contain two exploits which could allow a remote user to bypass authentication. The company has released patches for two versions of their software, PaperCut NG and PaperCut MF. As this vulnerability is currently being leveraged, it is highly recommended to update the software.

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)

Ongoing Microsoft Outage

by Artie Kaye

Microsoft is investigating an ongoing issue with multiple services which is preventing users to access their accounts or do basic searches. The North American market is the only location these problems are being seen. While search functionality was restored to some customers, the company continues to uncover the cause of the issues and remediate it.

Third-Party references:

Click the links below to learn more details. (Opens in a new tab/window.)